Tutorial Day 
About the tutorial day?
Have you ever been to a conference talk and wished the speaker could come and spend time with you to really explore the real ‘nitty-gritty’ of the topic?
Well so have we, and that’s why following last years success, PHPNW are again offering you this exceptional opportunity in the form of a tutorial day which will kick off the whole conference weekend.
Who is it for?
It is a fantastic opportunity for individuals and teams of PHP developers to come together for a full day of hands on teaching tailored just for you. Whether you want to know more about Building a Zend Framework 2 Application, Tools of the PHP Trade, Hands on debugging with Xdebug, Test your code like a pro – PHPUnit in practice, Create your own PHP Extension step by step or Scaling Your Team Using HubFlow – A Git Workflow For GitHub, this will be the experience for which you have been waiting.
Come on your own or bring your team, spend a day with some of the most experienced developers, speakers and experts who will take you on a journey through the advanced areas of their topics.
This is your exclusive opportunity to ask the experts your specific questions relating to you and or your team and its projects.
What to expect
When you buy your ticket for the tutorial day you will get:
- Practical experiential tutorial, you will need to bring your laptop, and be prepared to have your skills stretched and challenged.
- Group / peer learning, individual coaching and questions.
- Roving coaches to facilitate the needs of the tutor and you to enhance your learning experience.
- A dedicated classroom environment.
- Restricted group sizes to ensure your individual experience.
- Some tutorials may require you to install software – Make sure you have your passwords or permissions ready.
- Personalised attendance certificate showing 6 hours training, signed by PHPNW and the tutor.
- The day runs from Registration at 9.00am until a 5:30pm close.
- Refreshments and lunch provided.
This is a first come first served basis, but we have plenty of room so come and be part of this excellent opportunity for advanced, in-depth peer learning that will have a tangible impact on you and your work!
Click session title or tutors name for session abstract.
Booking Tips
- All ticket prices are in GBP (£).
- There is also a nominal reservation fee of £0.72 per ticket.
- Our ticketing provider applies a 5% payment processing charge and this will only be applied just before checkout. We have absorbed this cost into the price of the ticket, so you only have to pay the £0.72 reservation fee.
- Please bring along your payment receipt for entry to the event.
- Tickets include refreshments and food ( lunch ). To assist with catering arrangements, please indicate if you have any special dietary issues during the booking process.
PHPNW12 uses myupcoming.com for registration and payment processing.
A Paypal account is not required to process ticket purchases.