During this tutorial, you will get started with the Symfony2 framework, and build your first web application using the framework. We’ll cover installation, configuration, bundles, controllers, working with the database and forms during this tutorial, and if we have some time left, we can go beyond those basic topics as well.
Questions and Answers
Who’s the target audience for this tutorial?
People that would attend this tutorial have experience using PHP5(.3 or higher preferred), object oriented development and perhaps using a framework. Experience with Symfony2 is not required (as that’s what you’ll be learning!). If you have Symfony2 experience, then perhaps another tutorial will be most suited as this tutorial will handle the basics of building a Symfony2 application.
How experienced do I need to be?
Experience with Symfony2 is not required! As said before, you need to have PHP5 experience and have used object oriented development to get the most out of this tutorial, but there is absolutely no requirement to have any Symfony experience.
Which version of software / php etc will you be covering?
We will be covering the basics of Symfony2.3, as that is the most recent stable version available at the time of the PHPNW13 conference.
Do I need to bring a laptop?
YES! We’re going to try and get a basic Symfony2 application up and running during the tutorial. As you learn best by actually doing the work, you are advised to bring your own laptop to get the most out of the tutorial.
Do I need to install or set-up any specific software prior to the day, in order to get the most out of the day?
I would recommend having virtualbox installed, best is to have vagrant working on your system. I’ll be working with vagrant in my tutorials and prepare a virtualbox virtual machine for those without vagrant. Of course, if you feel confident in having your own local workstation set up according to the requirements for Symfony2, feel free to do so (see the requirements on http://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/requirements.html), but since time is limited for this tutorial, I’m afraid we can’t wait for people that have problems with their environment.
What else will I get?
Refreshments and lunch, a personalised attendance certificate and a conference T-shirt!
Stefan Koopmanschap
Build your first Symfony2 application
Stefan Koopmanschap is a PHP fanatic. He runs his company Ingewikkeld, does development, consulting and training. Stefan is a community person and has been active with several usergroups in The Netherlands since the 90s, currently involved in the event team of the PFZ.nl usergroup.