Click to Play An introduction to jQuery for those with no prior experience. It covered both the basic and more advanced css selectors, binding functions to events (such as onClick) and a basic overview of plugin development.

18 / 12 / 09
PHPNW09 Keynote: Kevlin Henney – The Uncertainty Principle
Click to Play Not sure about something? And that something affects the detailed design, an architectural decision or choice of functionality? Does that feel like a problem or a part of the solution? There is a strong tendency for humans to feel unsure about uncertainty, in two minds over ambiguity and a little wobbly with […]

18 / 12 / 09
PHPNW09 Track 1 Talk 1: Lorna Mitchell – Passing The Joel Test in the PHP world
Click to Play The Joel Test is a series of 12 steps which, according to software guru Joel Spolsky, every team should follow in order to create successful code. The steps include things like using source control, having a bug database and using the best tools. This session takes a look at how relevant his […]

18 / 12 / 09
PHPNW09 Track 1 Talk 2: Rowan Merewood – Tools and Talent
Click to Play A development environment is a pretty personal choice, but when youve got over twenty developers all working on the same codebase, you need to start deciding on some standards. You need to find the options that aid your productivity, rather than restrict you with unnecessary overhead. Plusnet has been running its business […]

18 / 12 / 09
PHPNW09 Track 1 Talk 3: Rob Allen – Getting a website out of the door
Click to Play This talk will cover project management tips and tricks that will help get a website developed, approved and live. We will look at the documentation, meetings and processes required to deliver a successful website with an emphasis on ensuring that the PM effort matches the job in hand. We will also consider […]

18 / 12 / 09
PHPNW09 Track 1 Talk 4: Derick Rethans – Making your life easier: Xdebug
Click to Play This session teaches you how to detect and debug PHP scripts with the free open source tool Xdebug, which is an extension to PHP. The first part will quickly show how to get started with Xdebug. The second part of the session will cover detecting problems in your scripts by showing how […]

18 / 12 / 09
PHPNW09 Track 1 Talk 5: Michael Nolan – Building an Anti-CMS (and how it’s changed our web team)
Click to Play Content management systems rarely live up to their promises. Theyre hard to use, limit creativity and stifle innovation. Decentralised editing leads to poor quality copy, duplication of content and pages which havent been looked at since HTML 3.2 was new. At the other end of the scale you face problems of overloaded […]

18 / 12 / 09
PHPNW09 Track 1 Talk 6: Scott MacVicar – Getting Involved with the PHP Project
Click to Play There is nothing more satisfying than seeing software you wrote go live and into production. Now imagine if that software was PHP and going live meant installations on millions of machines. The PHP project is always looking for contributors within PEAR, PECL, Documentation, QA or the Core. This session will be an […]

The Call for Papers has now closed, we're filling in speakers and slots as we confirm them - see the schedule for the latest information.