Announcing PHPNW11 Unconference

I am delighted to announce the details about the PHPNW11 Unconference!

I’m Elizabeth Naramore, and I’ve been given the great honour of organising it this year. We are celebrating PHPWomen’s 5th birthday this year, and it just so happens to coincide with the conference. What better place to celebrate than at PHPNW11?

I’m also happy to say that SourceForge is sponsoring the PHPNW11 conference and helping make the Unconference happen. As the Community Development Manager there, it all works out nicely, and I’m thrilled to be taking part in the PHPNW11 festivities.

So what’s the Unconference all about?

You can read more about it here, but in a nutshell, we’ve broken down the Unconference into two sections:

Lightning Talks

Each talk is 15 minutes with 5 minutes for Q&A. Submissions are now open for ideas, so if you would like to speak at the Uncon, send in your abstract! PHPNW11 attendees will be voting on their favourites, so make it good. Lightning talks are a great way to get started if you’ve never done any public speaking before. It’s only 15 minutes, so you can do it!

Speed Geeking

The last hour of the day will be reserved for Speed Geeking. You can read more about how it works here. Let’s just say if you’re intimidated by 15 minutes, this is your opportunity to give the same 5 minute talk 8 times. You can talk about your open source project, or why your dog is the best dog in the world. It doesn’t matter. Interested parties should send an email to

We are very excited about the PHPNW11 Unconference, and hope that it will be a fast-paced and fun place to hang out. If you’re an attendee, remember this is your part of the conference. Let us know what you want to see by voting!

  Elizabeth Naramore   


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