This year, for the first time, PHPNW11 will feature an Unconference track, running in tandem with the main conference track (on Saturday 8th Oct). Our unconference hosts are the PHPWomen who will be running the show in that track – and our Unconference Chair is PHPWomen founder and PHP Community Representative Extraordinaire, Elizabeth Naramore.
The Uncon track is split into into two sections, spread throughout Saturday:
Lightning Talks
In true “unconference” fashion, the attendees will choose what topics are discussed. Unconference sessions will be relatively short, at 15 minutes with 5 minutes at the end for Q&A.
Important Details:
- Voting will be open to registered attendees of the PHPNW11 Conference only. Voting will remain open until 28th September 2011. Speakers will be notified shortly thereafter.
- Maximum of 3 votes per attendee. Once submitted you cannot change the amount/ what you have submitted.
- Speakers will select on the day their slot.
Speed Geeking
The last hour of the Unconference session will be taken up by Speed Geeking. Speed Geeking works like this:
- We have a series of speakers, spread out around the room, with a few attendees at each one
- The speakers deliver a 5 minute talk
- After 5 minutes, we ring a bell and everyone moves along to the next speaker
- Speakers give their 5 minute pitch to the new group in front of them, and the cycle repeats.
If you are interested in being a speed geek speaker, and giving the same 5 minute talk 8 times in a row to random strangers, shoot an email off to uncon@phpnw.org.uk.
Final Points
The PHPNW11 Unconference is a fluid, fast-paced, agile creation, and is a supplement to the main conference. As an attendee, you should feel free to come and go as you please, and you shouldn’t be surprised if we change things around a bit on the spot. The goal is to have some fun and to give you an opportunity to see something a little different.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at uncon@phpnw.org.uk.
Lighting Talk Poll Results
[poll id=”1″ type=”result”]