Tutorial Day and Announcement of Keynote Speaker

We are pleased to announce that we have secured Ade Oshineye as our key note Speaker this year at the PHPNW12 conference.

We are greatly looking forward to hearing Ade’s talk on Developer Experience, API Design and craft skills. In this talk, Ade will explain how thinking about Developer Experience as a craft skill (something honed through iteration, heuristics and the transmission of tacit knowledge) should affect your day job.

Ade has a great deal of knowledge from working as a Senior Developer Advocate in Google’s London office working on the Google+ project. Over the last decade he’s worked on trading systems for a variety of investment banks as well as on Google’s advertising and mobile search systems. He’s also the co-author of ”Apprenticeship Patterns”: a book that teaches you how to learn to be a great programmer.

Tutorial Day

PHPNW11 Tutorial Day by Stuart Herbert

With the return of our Tutorial Day sessions on Friday 5th October, we don’t want you to miss out on a fantastic opportunity for individuals and teams of PHP developers to come together for a full day of hands on teaching tailored just for you.

We have a selection of tutorial subjects including:

If you want to ask your boss for permission to attend – we’ve produced a handy document to help you which is our “Ask Your Boss” Letter.

This is going to be another year of an outstanding conference, with speakers and topics that will leave a lasting impression on those who come. So don’t miss out book now!


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