Call For Papers And Blind Bird Tickets Expire Soon

It’s been a couple of weeks since our last update so here is a post about some upcoming news and changes to the schedule.

Call For Papers Ends This Weekend

Firstly, the call for papers ends Sunday 24th June, which means that you only have 3 days to submit your talks. If you were thinking of getting involved and hadn’t submitted a talk yet then you need to get it in this weekend so it can be considered. Due to the high number of talk submissions we need to be strict on this cut off date and so no propsals will be allowed after Sunday.

You can submit your talk over at the call for papers form. You’ll need to prepare a couple of things before you submit, but if you don’t know where to start then have a look at these awesome blog posts from Lorna Mitchell and Cal Evans about submitting conference talk proposals. We provide an excellent speaker’s package including free accommodation and even a free conference ticket. Don’t worry if you have already bought your ticket, if you are selected to speak then your Blind Bird ticket cost will be refunded.

If you do get picked and are looking for places to practice your talk then you can always give it at one of the PHPNW monthly meetups. These will keep running right up until the conference itself and they are a good way of testing out your talks before the main conference event.

Blind Bird Tickets

Blind Bird tickets are currently on sale, and will be until the conference schedule has been announced. Due to popular request the Blind Bird ticket price will expire on July 4th, and not the week before as originally planned. This is so that anyone who is waiting until their next pay date before buying the tickets can do so.

This means that you have less than 2 weeks left to get your blind bird tickets. You can purchase a ticket by clicking on the “Book tickets now!” link at the top of the tickets page. There is plenty of information about tickets on this page, but if you do have any questions then you can catch us on twitter, IRC or just nudge us via email.

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