Friday Night Hackathon – 2012

Greetings PHPNW H4x0rs

Below are your missions, should you choose to accept one, they will involve coding to the highest standards…

Location: Britannia Hotel, Crystal Suite, lovingly re-titled in support of our sponsor the Secarma Hackathon suite.

Beware: in2it have supplied you with ample pizza and no doubt there is beer available to be consumed as part of your mission, this page WILL NOT self destruct in 5 seconds.

Project – React

React is a library for event-driven programming in PHP.


We have a number of WIP pull requests which need tests or low-level debugging. We are in need for an async caching interface (and porting an implementation to use it), an async DI container and a promise-API. Or if you’re up for it, you could write an implementation of the SPDY protocol.





Project – PHP

PHP powers the web. It is one of the largest and most popular programming languages in the world. It has millions of users all around the world. It is also an open source project that’s powered almost entirely by volunteers from the community. Volunteers like you! But like all open source communities, it’s only as strong as the contributions from its volunteers. That’s why we need you to contribute!


Help advance PHP. A few major items that we should try to check off the list during the event are finalizing the password_hash API and committing it to trunk, implementing the XSS Escaping class as a PECL extension and cleaning up `make test` to return far fewer failures. For the non-C contributors, it really up to the interests of the developer what task they want to take. There are a lot of outstanding issues that need work, so any help can be used!

VCS Link:

Backlog / BugTracker:

Additional Backlog:


Project – started in 2008 and has become the defacto opensource platform for online event feedback. It offers a well documented API which is in use by iPhone and Android devices.


Get acquainted with collaborative development on github and assist with its current roadmap and open bugs. Major items include a responsive mobile site, an updated android app, cfp management and more.Produce’s own pub/sub-style websocket service where API consumers can connect and listen out for “live events” such as ratings, comments, views. Make use of the events in a mobile app/website by creating an event dashboard.


Websockets / ReactPHP :



Project – ProTalk

ProTalk is a website that aims to be the central resource for audio and video about PHP and surrounding tools. Kim and Lineke started this project because they believe having such a central resource will help everyone in learning PHP and developing themselves even further.


The targets to focus on for this hackathon are upgrading to Symfony2.1 make a start with building an API and make a start with a smart and clever way of gathering content.Also  to brainstorm about how we can relate media to create series of tutorials for example to learn ZF2 or Symfony.




Project – PHPOffice

The PHPOffice suite of libraries provides a set of functions for reading, processing and writing files using popular Office suite file formats such as MS Excel, Word and Powerpoint, Gnumeric, and Open/Libre Office Calc, Writer and Impress.

These are all open source libraries, released under LGPL, and widely used within the PHP community when developers find it necessary to work with real office format files rather than simply csv, text or html markup alternatives.

It would be useful if participants at the hackathon could help with certain areas of the code for these applications.



PHPExcel: HTML to Rich Text Object convertor (Helper Method): Users would like the ability to convert the font style formatting from an input string containing HTML markup to a PHPExcel Rich Text Object that can then be stored in a spreadsheet cell as rich text.

PHPExcel: RTF to Rich Text Object convertor (Helper Method): Users would like the ability to convert the font style formatting from an input string containing RTF markup to a PHPExcel Rich Text Object that can then be stored in a spreadsheet cell as rich text.

PHPExcel: Modify Date Conversion routines to accept an additional argument for timezone conversion: Current routines for date conversion between Excel and Unix timestamps (and vice versa) assume a UST date, and don’t take timezones into account. It would be useful for these to take an additional argument indicating that the PHP value should be converted from/to the defined php timezone value.

PHPExcel: Modify PCLZip library to provide an addFromString() method: Currently the PCLZip library that is provided as an alternative to ZipArchive can only add files to a zip archive. When using the standard ZipArchive extension, we can pass a string directly to the class using the addFromString() method. It would reduce the overhead of writing to and then reading from a file if we could do the same with PCLZip.

PHPWord: Implement PCLZip alternative to ZipArchive for Word2007 and Open/Libre Office: Currently, the ZipArchive class is used to create zip-based output formats such as docx and odt; but there have been some earlier versions of PHP released with corrupted ZipArchives that generate an empty file. To solve this problem with PHPExcel, we included the PCLZip library as an alternative zip writer: it would be useful to implement the same option in PHPWord as well.

PHPPowerPoint: Implement PCLZip alternative to ZipArchive for PowerPoint2007 and Open/Libre Office Impress Writers: Currently, the ZipArchive class is used to create zip-based output formats such as pptx and odp; but there have been some earlier versions of PHP released with corrupted ZipArchives that generate an empty file. To solve this problem with PHPExcel, we included the PCLZip library as an alternative zip writer: it would be useful to implement the same option in PHPPowerPoint as well.







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