Tutorial Day: Scaling Your Team Using HubFlow – A Git Workflow For GitHub 
Use GitHub? Growing your team? Still committing to the master branch all the time? Finding that releases get held up by committed code that isn’t ready? Struggling to share code changes when your developers need to collaborate on a new feature? Need a plan for when there’s an emergency? Or just not sure which source control workflow is right for your firm? In this tutorial, Stuart Herbert will show you how to scale your development team’s efforts using HubFlow. HubFlow[1] is a way of using GitHub that promotes parallel development, enables frictionless collaboration, encourages code reviews, copes with interrupted work, and knows what to do when an emergency fix is needed. It also comes with a handy git extension to make life easier for developers who are new to Git. HubFlow is based on Vincent Driessen’s GitFlow model. This is a hands-on tutorial, for Linux and OS X users, so you’ll need to bring your own laptop. If you’re a Windows user, we’ll buddy you up with one of the other delegates so that you don’t miss out either.
[1] http://datasift.github.com/gitflow/
To find out more, take a look at Stuart’s recent blog post on his Tutorial Day session.
Questions & Answers
Who’s the target audience for this tutorial?
The target audience is any developer or team leader looking for how to make good use of GitHub inside a team of developers.
How experienced do I need to be?
It would help a lot if you’ve already used Git & GitHub before. This isn’t a beginners’ guide to Git, so if you’ve never used Git, you might not get as much as you’d like from the session.
Which version of software / php etc will you be covering?
I’ll be covering the latest version of Git and GitHub, along with DataSift’s HubFlow extension for Git.
Do I need to bring a laptop?
Yes please. Needs to run Linux or OSX. DataSift’s HubFlow is not available for Windows.
Do I need to install or set-up any specific software prior to the day, in order to get the most out of the day?
Please make sure that you have Git installed, and that you have a working GitHub account.
What else will I get?
Refreshments and lunch, a personalised attendance certificate and a conference T-shirt!
Stuart Herbert
Stuart Herbert is a highly experienced software engineer and operational manager who explores his professional and personal passions through teaching, talks, and writing. His career to date includes projects and/or roles with household names including Eurostar, Hewlett-Packard, Orange, Vodafone, and the Ordnance Survey. He has written for php|architect magazine, and has spoken at PHP conferences on both sides of the Atlantic.