PHP North West Conference 2013 (PHPNW13)

Friday Night Hackathon

Following on from the success of the Hackathon at PHPNW12, we decided to do it all over again! The Friday night social / hackathon will begin at 7.30pm on Friday 4th October.  Burgers will be served from 8.30pm in the Manchester Conference Centre restaurant on presentation of your burger voucher, issued at registration on the night.

Don’t forget to bring your tickets as this is a sold out event!

Similarly to last year, we will have a number of projects available for you to work on if you so choose. You will also have the choice to just meet with friends old and new to socialise – the choice is yours! There will also be space for those wanting to work on their own projects.

Project – ProTalk

ProTalk is a website that aims to be the central resource for audio and video about PHP and surrounding tools. Kim and Lineke started this project because they believe having such a central resource will help everyone in learning PHP and developing themselves even further.


ProTalk would like a way for users to login and create a profile for the site. This should then be used when browsing the website. Also speakers should be able to login as well and we’d like to hook up the API. They are also planning on rethinking the media detail page to make it more usable – any help with that would be very much appreciated.


Version control repo:

Any preperation: Fork the repo and install on your local environment so you have a development environment up and running.

Project – started in 2008 and has become the defacto opensource platform for online event feedback. It offers a well documented API which is in use by iPhone and Android devices.


Web: &

Version control repo:

Any preperation: A working PHP dev platform, or a mobile device to test with would be awesome, but we can find useful things for any number of pairs of hands to do.

Project – PHPExcel

The PHPOffice suite of libraries provides a set of functions for reading, processing and writing files using popular Office suite file formats such as MS Excel, Word and Powerpoint, Gnumeric, and Open/Libre Office Calc, Writer and Impress. These are all open source libraries, released under LGPL, and widely used within the PHP community when developers find it necessary to work with real office format files rather than simply csv, text or html markup alternatives. It would be useful if participants at the hackathon could help with certain areas of the code for these applications.



Version control repo:

Any preperation: Optionally download the latest code from github, and have a VM or test environment for code writing/testing

Project – phpDocumentor 2

phpDocumentor 2 is a tool with which it is possible to generate documentation from your PHP source code. With this documentation you can provide your consumers with more information regarding the functionality embedded within your source and not only what is usable to them from your user interface.



Version control repo:

Any preperation: phpDocumentor2 has a Vagrant setup and uses composer; to preserve bandwidth it is recommended for participants to have ran `vagrant up’ once and `composer install’ to install all dependencies

Project – PHPUnit

PHPUnit is a unit testing software framework for software written in the PHP programming language.


The goal is to help people interested in PHPunit core development get started. By adding features to PHPUnit that they want, fixing bugs or documenting pitfalls.


Version control repo:

Any preperation: PHP 5.5

We look forward to seeing you all this weekend! Don’t forget to use #phpnw13 for twitter and tag photos on flickr with phpnw13.

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