3rd*, 4th & 5th October
Manchester, UK

Davey Shafik

Davey Shafik is a full time PHP Developer with 12 years experience in PHP and related technologies. A Community Engineer for Engine Yard, he has written three books (so far!), numerous articles and spoken at conferences the globe over. Davey is best known for his books, the Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide and PHP Master: Write Cutting Edge Code, and as the originator of PHP Archive (PHAR) for PHP 5.3.

Conference Day 1

PHP 5.NEW: The Best Bits

10:45 - 11:35 Saturday 4th October

Are you still stuck on PHP 5.2? Looking to migrate from 5.3 to the latest and greatest? This talk will cover all the best new features and tooling since PHP 5.3, all the way up to PHP 5.6 and beyond. Namespaces, Closures, Traits, Generators, Variadics/Argument unpacking, Composer, PSR-0 & PSR-4 autoloading and more!

Conference Day 2

PHP: Under The Hood

09:00 - 09:45 Sunday 5th October

Performance issues can be caused by many things, from database interactions, web services, disk i/o and, less frequently, the code itself. We would typically turn to a profiler like xhprof to diagnose these issues, but what if the bottleneck is PHP itself, where do you turn? This talk will take that inspection a step further and look under the hood of PHP, at the C internals of how things tick. This talk covers what every PHP developer should know about their tools — like what's really going on when you use double quotes vs single quotes. If you’ve ever wanted to know exactly what your code is doing, and why ++$i is faster than $i++, this talk is for you.


  • uk-fast
  • magma-digital
  • engine-yard
  • sky-bet
  • data-sift
  • inviqa
  • human-made
  • ampersand
  • github
  • pale-purple
  • google
  • server-groove
  • docnet
  • jadu
  • oreilly
  • php-storm
  • php-architect
  • zend