30th September*,
1st & 2nd October
Manchester, UK

David McKay

David McKay is a software and technology professional, born & bred in Glasgow, Scotland. As a practising Stoic; he spends a lot of his time experimenting with being mindful and present, searching for the holy trinity of productivity: peace of mind, drive and focus.

Oh, and he quite likes domain-driven design, micro-services and clean code.

Tutorial Day

Deep Dive into Docker

Friday 30th September AM

Docker, the hottest technology around at the moment. It swept the Ops world by storm in 2014, became mainstream in 2015, and now it’s set to dominate the developer world, in 2016.

Docker is a tool that allows you to package your application up into a single-runnable distributable binary - akin to the phar, but in Hulk mode. Docker allows you, a developer, to specify the exact environment your application needs to run, across development; test; staging; and production.

In this tutorial I will introduce you to Docker and explain its fundamental concepts. We will then walk through creating containers, publishing and tagging images and getting started with the Docker Hub, all while covering some of the common pitfalls and awesome tips that I've learnt during my own Docker journey.


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