30th September*,
1st & 2nd October
Manchester, UK

Lorna Mitchell

Lorna is based “over the hills” in Leeds; she is a Developer Advocate with IBM Cloud Data Services, a published author and experienced conference speaker. She brings her technical expertise on a range of topics to audiences all over the world with her writing and speaking engagements, always delivered with a very practical slant. In her spare time, Lorna blogs at http://lornajane.net.

Tutorial Day

The World Beyond MySQL

Friday 30th September PM

So you already know how to build great web applications with PHP, but what about the M in the LAMP stack? This tutorial aims to introduce you to some alternative open-source storage options and get you using them in a hands-on way immediately. We’ll start with PostgreSQL, a relational database and close relation of MySQL but with some additional features that could make sense in a modern application. We’ll look at Redis; a key-value store that has some tricks up its sleeve and which can be very valuable alongside other storage options.

We’ll take a wander into the world of NoSQL as well and check out CouchDB 2.0, discussing what NoSQL means and when to choose it (and when not to) as well as getting our hands dirty actually building something small with CouchDB and PHP. Finally we’ll take a view of the bigger picture; how to choose storage solutions when designing applications, and when you might want to add new technology or migrate between solutions for existing applications. This session is recommended for anyone looking for the chance to get their hands on some new technology and head back to the office with a grasp of not just how to do something, but also when a particular tool makes sense.

Conference Day 2

Queues with RabbitMQ

Sunday 2nd October 09:55 - 10:40

Queues are a great addition to any application that has some tasks that need processing asynchronously. This could be sending a confirmation email, resizing an avatar, or recalculating a running total of some kind; in all those cases it would be cool to send the response back to the user and then sort out that task later. This session looks at how to use a RabbitMQ job queue in your application. It also looks at how to design elegant and robust long-running workers that will consume the jobs from the queue and process them. This session is ideal for technical leads, developers and architects alike.


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