Click to Play Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. so goes the famous Chinese proverb, and the same principle applies elsewhere in life. In development teams, we often recruit to fill skills gaps or to increase our… read more
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Click to Play With Zend Framework 2.0 in active development and coming soon, this session will look at the goals of ZF2 along with whats new and whats different with ZF2 compared to ZF1.Well take a look at the new ways that components are referenced now that namespaces exist along with a look at the… read more
Well PHPNW10 may be consigned to history but we hope it made a lasting impact on you and if you didn’t manage to get along then the video recordings will be coming along shortly. From all the feedback we have received it was certainly worth all the effort on our part as the organisers and… read more
Do you remember a couple of weeks ago we anticipated that this would happen. We now have no tickets left which is another way of saying the venue is completely full. We may have some cancellations so don’t give up trying if you would still like to come! We are looking forward to a great… read more