Katy Anton is security professional with a background in software development.
In her previous roles she led software development teams and implemented security best practices in SDLC. As part of her work she got involved in OWASP Top Ten Proactive Controls project where she joined as project leader.
In her current role as Application Security Consultant at Veracode, Katy works with software developers and architects around the world and helps them secure their software.
Saturday 30th September 14:00 - 14:50
Half of all exploitations take place between 10 and 100 days after a vulnerability is published in a library. Attacks come fast, exploits are automated. In this world, timely updating third-party software components is of vital importance. Incorrect implementation of these libraries makes it difficult to update and maintain them, increasing the risk of being breached via vulnerable components. This is the current state of the software where large number of software applications have vulnerable components. Starting from real-world examples, Katy Anton with explore the software design patterns to use when including third party components and will discuss how these patterns can reduce the attack surface and improve the overall security of the software. Developers and architects alike will benefit from case studies outlining how this approach improves security in the world.