Michelangelo van Dam

Michelangelo van Dam

Michelangelo van Dam works at in2it as a professional PHP consultant assisting businesses to automate their development processes, improve their code quality and train their development teams. Michelangelo is also president of the PHP user group PHPBenelux where he and a team organizes monthly meetups, development events, and an annual conference. He's a devoted member of the global PHP community and contributes to open-source projects, mainly PHP related.

Tutorial Day

Let your tests drive your development

Friday 29th September, AM Session (09:30 - 13:00)

Test driven development (TDD) is still a subject all developers agree upon it's a great thing, but never get around to actually do it for many reasons. In this workshop I use real world business requirements on legacy code for which we need to fix bugs and add features, but we're doing it in a TDD way. No matter if you're already a testing veteran or a junior developer just started working yesterday, this workshop will give you the skills and passion to continue your career as a Test Driven Developer. Upgraded to PHPUnit 6 and PHP 7!

Conference Day 1

The GDPR is coming, are you ready?

Saturday 30th September 16:20 - 17:10

On May 25, 2018 all companies collecting and processing data of people from within the European Union must comply to the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR. In this talk we'll cover what the GDPR is and how it will impact businesses within the EU and abroad, what can be done to comply to this regulation and how to proceed further. This talk will not provide you legal answers, but will give you technology solutions that will make your applications compliant to these regulations. Even if you're not processing data from the EU, these solutions will offer you better protection to the data you currently keep and will ensure that in the case of a breach, the impact will be minimum.

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